Welcome! I am a contemplative thinker and photographer from Colorado. In this blog, you'll discover photographs that I've taken on my hiking and backpacking trips, mostly in the American West. I've paired these with my favorite inspirational and philosophical quotes - literary passages that emphasize the innate spirituality of the natural world. I hope you enjoy them!

If you'd like to purchase photo-quote greeting cards, please go to www.NaturePhoto-QuoteCards.com .

In the Spirit of Wildness,

Stephen Hatch
Fort Collins, Colorado

P.S. There's a label index at the bottom of the blog.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Each object of love is A HUNDRED TIMES ITSELF in just one being.

How could we ever truly know a thing in all of its divinity?  In the moment when we would freeze it in order to take it within the static confines of the mind, it would already have exploded and become much more than a single thing.  What Rilke tells us about a rose could apply just as well to ANY object of our love.  As he says: "You were rich enough to be yourself A HUNDRED TIMES in just one flower; that's the condition of a lover . . . But you never did think otherwise."  How could the mind ever know a thing that is "a hundred times itself"?  Only love can get at such a reality.

Photo: Colorado Columbine blossoms explode from a rocky outcrop, with Mt. Meeker in the background; Chasm Lake Trail, Rocky Mountain National Park, CO; June 29, 2012

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