Welcome! I am a contemplative thinker and photographer from Colorado. In this blog, you'll discover photographs that I've taken on my hiking and backpacking trips, mostly in the American West. I've paired these with my favorite inspirational and philosophical quotes - literary passages that emphasize the innate spirituality of the natural world. I hope you enjoy them!

If you'd like to purchase photo-quote greeting cards, please go to www.NaturePhoto-QuoteCards.com .

In the Spirit of Wildness,

Stephen Hatch
Fort Collins, Colorado

P.S. There's a label index at the bottom of the blog.

Friday, January 25, 2013

In ancient Chinese, the pictograph for "mind" is a drawing of a heart.

In ancient Chinese, the pictograph for "Mind" is simply a picture of the heart, because the thinking mind is not distinguished from the feeling heart. Thus, the character translates as "heart-mind." Similarly, "to think" is constructed of a heart beneath a skull (seen from the top, complete with a traditional pigtail.

"To feel" is constructed of two characters: the "heart-mind" I just mentioned, and another pictograph that means "the blue-green color of landscape," an amazing idea of color that includes both the green of plantlife and the blue of mountains-and-sky.  Thus, "heart-mind in the presence of landscape-color" or "the landscape-color of heart-mind" is the literal meaning of "to feel."  Feeling is therefore tied to the perception of landscape beauty.

From "Hunger Mountain" by David Hinton

Photo: Indian Paintbrush at Mount Rainier; Mount Rainier National Park, WA; July 24, 2012

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