Welcome! I am a contemplative thinker and photographer from Colorado. In this blog, you'll discover photographs that I've taken on my hiking and backpacking trips, mostly in the American West. I've paired these with my favorite inspirational and philosophical quotes - literary passages that emphasize the innate spirituality of the natural world. I hope you enjoy them!

If you'd like to purchase photo-quote greeting cards, please go to www.NaturePhoto-QuoteCards.com .

In the Spirit of Wildness,

Stephen Hatch
Fort Collins, Colorado

P.S. There's a label index at the bottom of the blog.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Three Ways of Knowing the Ultimate

Wilderness Mysticism holds that, with regard to images, there are three ways of knowing the Ultimate. The first way is the kataphatic path. Kataphasis is a Greek word meaning "with image." The second is the apophatic way, meaning "without image." In most Christian mystical schemes, these are the classical - and only - ways. Matthew Fox calls them the "via positiva" and the "via negativa." However, there is also a little-known third way, which I've termed the "supereminent" way. This partially corresponds to the "via creativa" of Matthew Fox. It is a middle way between the other two, one that is both poetic and paradoxical in style.

For example, in the kataphatic way, we might say that the Divine Source "speaks"; that is, communicates an eternal "love-word" to the world, revealed through verbal expressions and images. This is the sort of thing we feel when we have an epiphany or revelation. However, the apophatic way then comes along and says: "Wait a minute; the Divine is a mystery beyond words and images, best accessed through silence. Therefore, we need to realize that ALL words and images are mere approximations created by human language and perception. In actuality, therefore, the Divine does not 'speak.' ! " Here, the Source is more like the vast and empty night sky out of which all words, images and revelations (the "stars") may or may not appear and then die.

Finally, however, the supereminent path comes along with a playful, mythical, trickster-like image which combines and explodes the other two ways. "All revelation and verbal-imagistic expressions are like ECHOES," it says. "Echoes, that is, of a Divine love-word which never had a chance to be spoken because the 'Speaker' - the beloved Beyond - lost 'Himself' in ecstatic bliss and emptied Himself out into the vast spaces of mind and heart! Nevertheless, echoes of that never-spoken word somehow manage - surprise!!! - to resound throughout the vast apophatic night-sky of the cosmos!"

Thus, Wilderness Mysticism uses images, but in a mythical, paradoxical, playful way that leaves us scratching our heads, and forever FILLED with awe and wonder!

Photos: (Top) Ruby-red leaves of Queen's Crown / Rose Crown and a pond; (Middle) Seedheads of Alpine Dryad, backlit in late-day sun. These two photos were taken in Rocky Mountain National Park, CO, on September 11, 2015; (Bottom) Changing Aspen trees, Rawah Range, CO, September 14, 2015

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I am available for spiritual direction / mentoring sessions via cell phone or Skype. The fee for each hour-long session is $65. If you are interested in inquiring about this, or would like to host a talk or workshop in your area, please contact me at canyonechoes@gmail.com .

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