Following a Buddhist approach to reality, we might say that every creature in the cosmos is actually a mirroring of every other creature. In fact, there are ONLY mirror-images, but no originals! This is one way of interpreting the teaching on sunyata, or "emptiness." In other words, all beings are empty of a substantial self.
A Christian mystical approach can add an interesting twist to this scenario. It would claim that actually - in principle - there really ARE a multitude of originals reflected in the mirror that each creature embodies. However, because the Divine Presence indwelling each of those creatures is eternally EMPTIED-OUT in ecstatic and blissful love, all we have left are the mirror-images.
How amazing! The cosmos is composed of a multitude of mirror-images with no Originals, because those Originals - in God - have eternally emptied themselves out in ecstatic love!
Theologian Raimon Panikkar calls this "The Cross at the heart of the Godhead." However, it is a Cross that is - in the final analysis - endlessly ecstatic!
Photo: The perfect reflection of Beckwith Mountain in Lost Lake makes it difficult to tell which is the original, and which is the reflection. Indeed, from a higher point of view, BOTH are reflections!
Lost Lake is off the Kebler Pass Road near Crested Butte, CO. This photo was taken on September 22, 2012.
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