It is said that Tawa the Sun God and Spider Woman the Earth Goddess created all life. During creation, Tawa sang: “I am Tawa. I am Light. I am Life. I am the Father of all that shall ever come.” As Spider Woman shaped the thought of each creature into clay figures, Tawa bent his glowing eyes upon them and they came to life.
From a Hopi creation story
What would our spiritual lives be like if we viewed Mother Earth - the Goddess, Sophianic Wisdom - as the second Person of the Holy Trinity? Here, the third Person - the Holy Spirit / Holy Soul - would serve as the oneness or union of the Father's beyondness and the Mother's immanence. Would we take better care of the Earth if we viewed the spiritual Presence animating her not as an artifact made by the transcendent Father but as an equal partner in creation? After all, that is precisely how each of us was born into this world.
Photo: Alpine Bog Laurel blooming at Lion Lakes; Wild Basin, Rocky Mountain National Park, CO; June 24, 2013
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