Isn't this amazing? Today I hiked up to my foothills meditation retreat spot, and found this Gaillardia flower (also called Indian Blanketflower) with its companion moth. Notice that the moth is situated in such a way that the red wings lie on the red part of the flower, while its yellow head lies on the yellow part of the flower. I have never found this type of moth anywhere but on a Gaillardia flower!
To me, this principle of camouflage speaks of the need we all have to hide ourselves from the self-castigating ego-self - with its incessant critical biases - by blending in and becoming united to the Larger Whole - that is, to the Divine Presence who dwells within us and who is the vast, sky-like presence in whom all things dwell. Only when we become invisible to the ego-self by discovering a deeper identity will we find true peace and rest!
Photo: Gaillardia flower and moth; Lory State Park, CO; June 18, 2014
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