At our campsite while driving home across Oregon, I read some insightful words from Terry Jones' "The Elder Within:
"The elder male is not only an advocate for the young but believes that advocacy for men means being aware of a new psychology for men. I call this mindset 'mature masculinity': a concept of masculinity that honors archetypal maleness while at the same time accepting the reality of modern-day western society. This has resulted in new gender roles for men and women. Mature masculinity does not incorporate the juvenile or underdeveloped aspects called 'traditional masculinity,' such as the devaluation of women. Traditional masculinity is the unfortunate but predictable result of the male role socialization process beginning with the Industrial Revolution . . ."
(Top) Sagebrush, Smith River and Smith Rock, Smith Rock State Park, OR;
(Middle) Haystacks and the Painted Hills near John Day Fossil Beds
National Monument, OR; (Bottom) Lewis Monkeyflower and waterfalls
on the Green Lake Trail, near Bend, OR. These photos were taken on July
31-August 1, 2015
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